Software review is an important a part of software advancement check that method. It helps the developers for and deal with errors & defects inside the software product. Hence, the entire development process becomes powerful and effective.

The review process is carried out manually & involves many steps. It provides examination of numerous documents, just like requirements, program design, programs, test programs & check cases etc .

Peer Code Review — One of the most common forms of expert code review is set programming, in which developers work together in code and check every other’s function while they’re writing it. This method has many positive aspects, such as speeding up the development process and raising productivity.

As opposed to other forms of peer code review, couple programming requires more methods to conduct. It can also be an effort for programmers to participate in the review procedure if they’re also close to their particular work.

Inspection – A more formal sort of software assessment, inspectors follow a well-defined treatment to find flaws. This helps in improving the quality of the software and makes it more reliable.

Walkthrough – This is a more informal form of software program review where the author leads members on the development group and other interested parties in going through the application product, asking questions, producing comments and finding out defects.

Specialized Review — This is one more more formal form of peer review, wherein experienced and qualified people examine the technology product designed for bugs & defects by using a defined procedure.